World AIDS Day
December 3 2013
Dexter ONE Club celebrated World AIDS Day for the third time on Tuesday, December 3(The actual World AIDS Day fell on a Sunday, so it got pushed back). The members of ONE Club prepared for it by making red ribbon pins to raise awareness about AIDS, making information cards for the lunch tables, and helping set-up, run the table during lunch, and clean up afterwards. World AIDS Day was very successful, and a lot of kids made a difference by signing the petition encouraging world leaders to spend money on AIDS, TB, and Malaria. The red ribbon pins were hugely successful as many students took and wore them after signing the petition.

World Food Day
October 16 2013
World Food Day was hosted at Dexter High School by DHS One Club for the first time this year on Wednesday, October 16. It is a global event celebrated all around the world with the goal of raising awareness about ending hunger in third-world countries. This event consisted of an information table that was set up throughout all three lunches with club members at it explaining to DHS students about World Food Day, which is actually a global celebration. Students were then given a plate with a piece of candy on it and a fact about hunger. The students were also given the opportunity to donate to Heifer International to help end world hunger.

Mandela Day,
April 3 2014
On April 3, the DHS ONE Club introduced the high school to Nelson Mandela Day, which was celebrated in the cafeteria. The point of the project was to celebrate the life of Nelson Mandela, someone who contributed not only to his society, but to the entire world. ONE members put up posters and set up the usual ONE table, this time with 2 petitions against apartheid around the world, something that Mandela advocated against a great deal, and a pledge for students to dedicate 67 minutes of their own time to community service in honor of Mandela, who dedicated 67 years of his life to a greater cause. After signing the petitions and taking the pledge, DHS students (and some teachers) were given peace sign pins, ONE wristbands, and ONE stickers.

Bead for Life,
December 16 2013- January 6 2014
Every year before winter break, ONE Club members work hard to sell beadforlife bracelets, bracelets that were made by poor women in Uganda and sold in the United States to provide these women an income so they can provide for their children. The DHS ONE Club is actually one of Beadforlife's top sellers, and has gotten personal calls from their president. The remaining beads are sold at Airplane Day(another ONE Club event, see "Airplane Day"). As a finale to all of the hard work put in by the club, we all wrote letters to Teddy Namuyiga, one of the woman who rose out of extreme poverty through this program and is now a successful entrepreneur who can provide for her children(one of whom was born deaf). This year, DHS ONE raised $870 alone, and $1500 when combined with Airplane Day!

Heifer International Goat Project
November 11-25 2013
The DHS ONE Club raised over $160 to send goats to families in need through Heifer International. With this money, one goat and four shares of a goat were purchased. This means that a family in need received a goat and with it are now able to produce and sell milk, cheese, and fertilizer. This gives the family more money for food, medicine, and education. In order to raise this money, throughout the course of two weeks, club members asked their friends, families, and classmates to donate to the cause. This was the club's first time doing this, and since it was successful and fun, it won't be the last.