
Mandela Day
​On April 3, the DHS ONE Club introduced our high school to Nelson Mandela Day, which we celebrated in the cafeteria. The point of the project was to celebrate the life of Nelson Mandela, someone who contributed not only to his society, but to the entire world. We put up posters and set up our usual ONE table, this time with 2 petitions against apartheid around the world, something that Mandela advocated against a great deal,
In Collaboration with the Global ONE Organization

For more information, visit ONE.org
"ONE is an international campaigning and advocacy
organization of more than 3.5 million people taking
action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa… because the facts show extreme poverty has already been cut in half and can be virtually eliminated by 2030, but only if we act with urgency now.
Cofounded by Bono and not politically partisan, we raise public awareness and work with political leaders to combat AIDS and preventable diseases, increase investments in agriculture and nutrition, and demand greater transparency in poverty-fighting programs. ONE also works closely with African activists and policymakers as they fight corruption, promote poverty-fighting priorities, monitor the use of aid, and help build civil society and economic development."
"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity;
it is an act of JUSTICE"
-Nelson Mandela